Another great day in Manhattan

Sat, 2010-03-20

I left the flat on 9 AM Saturday morning. It was such a beautiful day and we had about 74 degrees Fahrenheit. I walked over the Manhattan bridge to NYC.

I took the ferry to Staten Island to get another view of Manhattan. Awesome, Great. It is really hard to describe how nice it was on Saturday.

Later on I met Christian, my study colleague, and we spent the rest of the day together.

Central Park was almost over-crowed. It seemed that nearly every inhabitant from Manhattan went there. We spent a couple of hours walking through the park and had dinner later on.

Afterwards we went to the cinema. It was quite funny, because in the states you cannot reserve a special seat. It works more like first come, first serve. So we bought some tickets and joined the line. There were only 100 people in front of us and so we just had to wait for about 20 minutes.

Luckily we got some really good places in the cinema.

After an trip up to the Rockefeller Center we went home.
